You’ve heard of six-word stories. How about nano non-fiction? I wrote a 6 word review of Lolita, together with a much longer commentary. Here’s a six word review of Portnoy’s Complaint — with no commentary.
My review:
“Disgusting, original, debasing, accurate, pathetic, hilarious.”
A challenge
Write a 6-word review of a book, play, film, whatever you like, and submit it. I intend to publish the results in a similar way to the one-sentence stories, ie in a post like this. Please do have a go, because I don’t want to be the only one doing this!
Full details of how to submit, and by when, may be found on the original article of which this an excerpt. That article contained some great examples of one-sentence stories, so do check it out. You have to be a subscriber to my newsletter, Eclecticism, in order to submit a 6-word review, but that’s free, so why not?