Hanging up my boots, partly
Boots, by Terry Freedman
My parents had a shop. And in the shop was a sign like this:
This is a non-profit enterprise
(although it wasn’t meant to be)
I feel a bit like that in terms of my writing-related committee work. My tenure as a member of the Educational Writers Group of the Society of Authors came to an end a few weeks ago. It was supposed to have been a three year term, but I think it ended up as nearer four, because of various difficulties. I’d have stayed on if there had been a need, but now there is a full complement of committee members.
At the same time, I’d put myself forward for serving on the Management Committee of the Society of Authors. I missed getting in by a fairly narrow margin last year, and several people encouraged me to try again (despite my initial decision not to).
This year, I think I “lost” by a similar margin, but then there were a lot more applicants for a limited number of posts.
Will I apply again? I don’t think so. I am actually looking forward to spending time on myself and my own projects.
Anyway, if you were one of the people who voted for me in the recent Management Committee elections, thanks very much. On the other hand, if you were one of the people who voted for one of my rivals, thanks a bunch!
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